Beware when rescuing baby elephants.
Elephants are the world’s largest land mammals – and, aside from the great apes: humans, gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans – the most...
Last chance to save the panda of the sea.
A last-ditch effort to save the world's rarest marine mammal from extinction has been launched. The vaquita is a small porpoise which...
Bat invasion is stuff of nightmares:
Australian town driven batty by flying foxes Residents of one town in North Queensland are being overwhelmed by bats. They're demanding...
Narwhal escape: Whales freeze and flee when frightened
Scientists who fitted heart rate-monitoring tags to Arctic narwhals have discovered a strange paradox in how the animals respond to...
The River Otter Beaver Project.
How to live, work - and farm - alongside beavers The River Otter Beaver Trial is taking place in a highly productive agricultural...